
Color Puzzle #1

Materials: Acrylic on Canvas
Year: 2023
Height 32″ x Width 20″ x Depth 1.5″

There’s a special kind of joy that comes from sitting down with a color puzzle, where the pieces are actually vibrant dabs of paint scattered across my canvas. The hues—reds, blues, greens, yellows—each hold a promise of a larger masterpiece waiting to be revealed. As I dip my brush into the first color, I feel a sense of anticipation and excitement.

Stroke by stroke, the puzzle begins to take shape. Each brushstroke fitting perfectly into the composition brings a small victory, a step closer to the final image. The colors blend and connect, creating a tapestry of shades and patterns. It’s a delightful challenge, one that engages my mind and creativity.

The process is both meditative and invigorating. I lose myself in the search for the right shade, the satisfaction of finding the perfect blend, and the growing sense of accomplishment. The once blank canvas transforms into a harmonious picture, each color contributing to the overall beauty.

As the final stroke completes the image, a wave of happiness washes over me. The finished painting is more than just an image; it’s a testament to patience, focus, and the joy of creation. It’s a reminder that life’s pieces, with all their colors and complexities, can come together to form something beautiful. And in that moment, surrounded by the vibrant hues of my completed painting, I am filled with a deep sense of contentment and happiness.